Meet Melanie

I believe that when we take time to slow down and listen to our bodies we can begin to hear what’s truly needed to feel grounded, balanced and whole.  This is why I’ve dedicated the past 20 years to studying and practicing Breathwork, Life Purpose Coaching, EFT (Tapping), Kinesiology, Integrated nutrition and movement, asking the body to guide me and my clients back to wellness. 

My purpose is to support people to heal, transform the pain of the past, to feel deeply by listening and connecting to their bodies and their inner wisdom so that they can create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience.

And I understand my clients concerns & frustrations because I’ve been out of balance too. Over the years I’ve navigated PTSD, postnatal depression, candida, digestive issues, total disconnect from my body and felt that life was not flowing smoothly. Armed with the knowledge and wisdom of my professional practise I’ve been able to create protocols and commit to daily rituals, bringing myself back into alignment. 

My work is to support people to reconnect to themselves, heal, transform the past and to create a future full of joy, purpose and love whilst embracing the full spectrum of the human experience. Embodiment encourages you to reconnect with your wholeness guiding you to make better decisions about your health, wellbeing and all aspects of your life.

Over the years I have deepened my relationship with nature and the earth which has inspired me to follow the Priestess path and to be initiated as a Fire Tender, this means that I create fire ceremonies, for myself, for events and communities such as Sisters of the Wild. Although at first it could seem that the two are not connected I’ve come to understand that we are nature and if we take care of our own bodies we are taking care of the earth. 

The great loves of my life are my son, dancing, breathwork, trauma healing & nature.

Trainings & Qualifications

Insured by Balens Specialist Brokers

Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (Certificate), 2002

Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (Diploma), 2003

ITEC Diet & Nutrition

Board Certified Health Coach - IIN, 2013

Reiki Level 2, 2015

Qoya Teacher, 2015

EFT (Classical), 2016

EFT (Energy) 2017

Priestess Healer 2018

Integrative Breathwork Practitioner 2020

Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy 2021

Certified Dharma (Life Purpose) & Embodiment Coach 2022


Shamanic Apprenticeship